This blog is about the ongoing review by the CIPD of its Professional Standards Framework, and your opportunity to contribute to this and the future shape of the profession. Here's a link to the event details on 13 July.
I've blogged twice about professionalism, here on my own blog and on the CIPD site also. I've got strong views on it and had been looking forward to this event taking place so I could contribute in person.
But Sod's law is in full effect and I can't go to it. Any other day or evening that week would be fine, and even during the day would be fine that day but not evening, where I've a prior commitment.
This really frustrates me given the amount of noise I've made about professionalism and the role of HR in this.
I feel like a bit of a hypocrite telling you that you need to go, and having made so much fuss about it all, only to not turn up myself.
The good news is that there are other opportunities to contribute and if you want to do so by emailing to register your interest in other events and via non face to face means if necessary. I've done that.
But I desperately want to contribute, and want as many people to contribute as can too.
Its important. There's plenty of us in the HR game, and plenty more who need us to get it right for everyone. We're all workers, employees or in the gig economy - and if we can't rely on HR to be professional and focus on enhancing the employee (etc) experience and creating amazing workplaces, then we may as well all give up and go home.
The importance of understanding what HR is as a profession and how we influence the wider workplace and indeed society through our behaviour, ethics, skills and knowledge cannot be understated.
We're important. You might not think so, but we are.
So here's a chance to shape what our profession looks like in the future.
For those who say that the current professional qualification isn't fit for purpose - you're right - so come along and help reshape it.
For those who say that the current CIPD is too HR based and doesn't recognise or give equal importance to some of the existing and developing specialisms - you're right - so come along and help sort that out.
For those who say that the CIPD is too London-focused and doesn't do enough around the rest of the country - you're right - so come along and show them that us in the North West have a massive voice and role to play too.
For those who say that there are many hugely talented individuals who operate in the HR sphere who've never felt the need to become CIPD qualified or members - you're right - so come along and help make CIPD attractive and beneficial to those people too.
You're important. Your views, your opinions, your thoughts and your lovely face.
I'd normally finish by saying See You There, but as I can't make it and am slightly hypocritical I'll finish by asking you to be as open and honest as you can, and to report back to me afterwards. I'll be contributing in other ways but I'd like to hear your views to help me develop mine.
Till next time...
PS in other news, I've started work dismantling my current shed and that'll be finished in a day or so, so the next job is building the bigger new one. I've never seen so many woodlice and slugs, but not one spider, not even a dead one.
PPS in other news, far FAR more people have mentioned the shed to me after it appeared in PS in my last blog than have commented on the blog itself. This may say more about what appeals to people than anything else.